February 14, 2019
Don’ts and do’s with the best hair fall treatment

Hair fall affects approximately 50% of women. If you’re one of those, you must be looking for a solution that is both safe and affordable. While a dermatologist can suggest a treatment option matching with your needs, you can follow some do’s and don’ts to keep a tab over your hair fall.
- Never rub, comb or brush your tresses in wet condition. It will only lead to breakage that will further increase the volume of hair loss.
- Avoid hairstyles that put pressure on locks resulting in weakening of roots and loss of hair.
- Heating in any form including hot water bath results in dryness that isn’t good for healthy hair hence the heating equipment like hair dryers should be used selectively.
- Trying too many hair products could build residue in your hair. Also, the shampoo must be rinsed properly to avoid clogging of hair follicle.
- Read descriptions before using any product because overuse of a hair product could lead to hair loss in the long run.
- Eat healthy because lack of nutrition is the primary reason for hair loss in women.
- Regular trimming is also necessary because it prevents split ends.
- Massage the scalp with aloe vera gel and leave the gel on the scalp for an hour before washing the scalp and the hair completely. It will nourish your scalp and tresses.
- Coconut oil is also a great source of nutrition. You can use it instead of aloe-vera gel.
- Hot oil hair massage will improve blood flow to the scalp. It is an indulgence that helps in strengthening hair roots and follicle in the long run.
- Hair packs of eggs or yogurt can certainly put a tab over incessantly falling hair. Hair fall treatment is available in spa saloons.
Follow the do’s and don’ts to reduce hair fall and visit an experienced dermatologist for a complete hair fall treatment. Also, continue following the advice to avoid hair fall in future.