Botox brow lift is the new thing in town

The ‘IT’ thing in the derma world is the Botox brow lift and here is everything you need to know about it
The first signs of aging are usually visible around the eyes in the form of small wrinkles. And this gives the face a rather long in the tooth look. It’s true that whenever we think about getting any work done to look younger getting a face-lift is our first instinct, but the fact is that a face-lift only concentrates on the lower portion of the face. And as mentioned earlier as well, many people start showing signs of aging in the eye, eyebrow, and forehead area.
Back in the day this issue could only be dealt by undergoing a surgical procedure. However, you can thank your stars, as a less invasive option: the Botox Brow Lift makes an entry.
Before you make a decision to have a cosmetic procedure, even if its is less invasive, it is always best to educate yourself with as many facts as possible. As the old saying goes, ‘better safe than sorry’. So here is everything that you need to know about a Botox Brow Lift.
What is a Botox brow lift?:
A Botox Brow Lift is a non-surgical technique for achieving elevation of the outer brow. The procedure involves injections performed in an office setting. The results are temporary as compared to a surgical brow lift, however advantages include no scarring and no downtime.
What is the procedure like?:
Botox is injected into or around specific muscles as a part of the treatment. To make the process almost painless a topical numbing agent can be applied to the skin. Approximately 5-8 units of Botox are injected on each side within the orbicularis oculi muscle. It is injected just below the eyebrow towards the outer eye region. This muscle is responsible for lowering the outer brow at this site. By weakening the muscle responsible for eyebrow depression, this leaves the eyebrow elevator – the frontalis muscle – unopposed. Through this effect, the frontalis muscle may achieve a few millimeters of outer brow elevation. This may accentuate the curvature of the outer brow and increase upper eyelid show as well to rejuvenate the eye region. Within a matter of minutes the procedure is finished and the results last unto three to five months.
Are you a good candidate for it?:
The best possible candidate would be:
- Adults who have trouble with vision due to sagging eyelids.
- Those who don’t have enough skin to surgically remove can benefit from a non-surgical brow lift.
- People who permanently look grumpy or tired.
- People who wish to alter their appearance to look better.
- If you want very little change then Brow Lift is a good option
Major advantages:
- Botox to lift the brows has a few benefits over surgery:
- It’s a non-invasive option for anyone looking to restore their brow or forehead.
- It can treat drooping eyebrows that obstruct vision.
- Treats sagging eyelid skin which makes one look grumpy and fatigued.
- Frown lines between the eyebrows and forehead creases can be removed.
- Makes the patient look years younger than he/she actually is.
- Improves the shape and position of eyebrows.
- Provides a subtle, natural and temporary lift to the forehead.
- Delaying the need for a surgical brow lift procedure as Botox not only reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles but slows down the creation of new lines and wrinkles, slowing the ageing process.
- The treatment doesn’t long last, three to four months at best.
- You’ll have to keep going back for touch-ups which will make it both time consuming and expensive.
The most sure shot way to look younger is to start with your eyes. And a Botox Brow Lift is definitely one of the easiest, fastest and safest method for ensuring that!