3 Reasons Why My Husband Agreed For Me to Get Botox

Here is Aparna’s Botox story on yesteryear’s prejudice, dilemma and regained faith
Unlike earlier, Botox is no longer considered as a luxury for a select few. Technological advancement and the ease of convenience and safety of Botox, results in the quick appear-enhancing the viability. It is indeed one of the most accessible age-defying treatment options for women worldwide.
A growing number of people go for Botox. We recently spoke to Aparna Saxena, a 37-year old digital influencer to know if she consulted her life partner before going for Botox.
Aparna Saxena’s story:
Aparna Saxena is a 37-year-old digital influencer who is happily married and is a mother of two young kids.She is someone who enthusiastically believes in living life in the most free-spirited way – a teaching she always imbibes in her children too. She has embraced age with such grace that being naturally plump is something she takes with pride and her age lines are her valor of experience and pride. But what seems to really irk her was how her skin was becoming saggy.
She was in a dilemma as to how to make her saggy skin tight like before. So, after reading hundreds of online testimonials, talking to her family doctor, consulting with a skin specialist, she decided to talk to her husband about Botox.
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She was elated as her husband decided to support her. Intriguing enough? Read on:
1. Me and my husband evaluated the pros and cons of Botox and if it was meant for me:
Being a modern and urban couple who believe sincerely in a relationship, where right from discussing our daily life happenings to taking big life decisions, we talk about each and everything.
We jotted down the important things in our lives from staying fit to eating healthy and realized that Botox did just fit into our outlook towards a healthy life.
2. Me and my husband look at Botox as a way of not defying the age clock, but just being a better version of ourselves:
We support each other in looking good, be it by exercising, eating healthy or even by applying makeup. Moreover, making routinely salon visits to getting cosmetic treatments, we support each other in any endeavor that empowers us.
3. My partner has the right to be worried about me, but he also had the mind to understand my feelings of vanity:
After doing away with my husband’s initial safety worries and apprehensions linked with Botox, he was acceptable of Botox. Till the time my inner beauty remains intact, he had no problems with me looking and feeling beautiful inside out with Botox.
There you have it! A radically modern couple’s perspective on Botox. Whether it is about taking a few rigorous facials or it is about taking fillers to get that tighter, brighter skin, at the end of the day anything that takes away your constant state of worry or impending doom should be acted upon one way or the other.